How to sex your chickens

1. feather sexing (adult birds) Feather sexing involves identifying the saddle feathers of the bird to see if they are pointed or rounded. 

pointy saddle feathers means you have a rooster, while rounded saddle feathers means you have a hen. keeping in mind this may not work for all breeds.




As you can see here the pullet(hen) has rounded saddle feathers and the cockerel (rooster) has pointed saddle feathers




2. comb and wattle sexing.

This involves examining the comb and wattles of young birds to determine their sex. A larger and redder comb and wattle in chicks indicates a male while a smaller and more pale comb indicates a female.






As you can see here both males have slightly larger and brighter red combs while the females had smaller and more pale combs.

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